C.A.B Individual Clean Air Bed Canopy
Clean area is required for open burns treatment, leukemia patients, bone marrow transplant pre- and post treatment, also for patients that must avoid any form of infection.
- Low cost investment
- No construction work needed
- Low running costs
- Simple to use
- Easily movable
- Possible to situate more than one unit per room
- The unit also helps to keep the air in the room clean
- The protection curtain can be fully or partially open depending on the patients resistance to infection
- The curtain is transparent and antistatic plastic
- Reduces the length of stay of the patient in hospital
- The unit comes complete with fluorescent lightning for the patient
- Low noise level 50db (A) on low speed setting
- Air flow is controlled with 7 different speed settings
- H14 class HEPA filter (patients clean area complies to ISO 5 standard for 0,5 µm or larger particles)
Our products are designed and manufactured in Finland.
Contact us
We help to find suitable clean air solutions for you.
Andrew Siminson
Email. andrew.siminson (at) vectorteam.fi
Tel. +358 40 543 7062